Used with the kind permission of artist Cherrie Button
Welcome to Festival of the Trees 55 and to 2011, The United Nations International Year of Forests. It is exciting to know that all over the world increased energies will be channelled into creating, maintaining and celebrating forests. Awareness will be raised on behalf of our forests and young and old alike will have love kindled and warm memories forged.
The forests need our help every bit as much as the earth needs our forests. With global economic collapse, recession and changes in political power, charities, humanitarian projects, wildlife and forests are under threat. In the United Kingdom, the Conservative Party plan on selling ALL of our ancient forests. Once they are gone, they cannot be redeemed. In order to carry out these environmentally unpopular sales, the government is rewriting laws written in The Magna Carta that have protected woodlands and ancient forests since 1215.
The forests, beauty spots and wildlife of this shared earth belong to us all and we have the shared right to take an interest in the environmental impact such atrocious action will have on our trees, wildlife and planet whether you live in the UK or not. I ask you all to show support by signing an online petition opposing the sale of Britain's ancient forests for once they have been sold they cannot be restored. I ask you all to raise awareness on your blogs websites, facebook and twitter pages of the threat to Britain's ancient woodlands and/or other woodlands across the globe that are in need of immediate help. Hands off our Forests!

But this is not the first political, or natural threat to our forests. Stella reminds us of the fires of Athens of 2009 bringing back clear memories of the national outrage of the destruction of Greek heritage in the name of development. The fires of Athens brought about such high feeling both within and outside of Greece that new legislation was proposed to on 27 October 2009. This legislation would suspend all construction activity on burned forestland in Attica and other parts of Greece until authorities draw up comprehensive forest maps.
Nature has always had setbacks and hurdles to tackle yet we need only to look to the desert to see the remarkable resilience and ability to cope in even the most water starved of locations. Deserts and Beyond show the aftermath of the recent Desert Palm Oasis fire. Desert South West shows us the beauty of desert trees and Barb teaches us about the art of Xeriscaping and the wonder of the Smoke Tree.
Via Negativa reminds us that 'It’s easy to get depressed and forget that whatever happens, however stark a desert we make, it will still be beautiful.'
Glenveagh National Park in Donegal by Silverlodg Gems
Growing with Science tells how some losses wound us more deeply than others whilst remaining optimistic and sharing her knowledge of how to plant a Pecan from seed. Vicky shares Lessons from Nature, the deep involvement and persistence needed to save a species of tree and exactly why love of nature takes its honoured place in her wedding celebrations. Long may your American Chestnut thrive!
Anybody Seen My Focus shows us beautiful images of snow in the field. Oxygen Grows on Trees invites us to monitor the progress of the 11 year old Forest that he planted back in 1999. Robert Barnes shows us his contribution to the National Register of Big Trees. Notes from Sun Rising share experiences of Tree Planting in the Snow and reminds us of the wildlife that lives around trees in Trees and Tracks. Valerianna enchants us with the magical tracks she encounters on a Winter Walk, and Stories in the Snow.
A DC Birding Blog considers the debate of a real Christmas tree and the benefits to the environment. Jules shares pictures of her favourite trees.
For the children and young at heart we have Oak Leaf Ice Flags from Inanna Shamaya and Oak Leaf Mobile's by Marghanita. Raph enthralls with the adventures of Giraffes in Trees and Gaiamoon teaches how to draw power from Trees. Lucky Dip Lisa delights us by making gifts of nature from natures gifts and generously shares her New Years Treesolutions.
Nature has always had setbacks and hurdles to tackle yet we need only to look to the desert to see the remarkable resilience and ability to cope in even the most water starved of locations. Deserts and Beyond show the aftermath of the recent Desert Palm Oasis fire. Desert South West shows us the beauty of desert trees and Barb teaches us about the art of Xeriscaping and the wonder of the Smoke Tree.
Via Negativa reminds us that 'It’s easy to get depressed and forget that whatever happens, however stark a desert we make, it will still be beautiful.'
Growing with Science tells how some losses wound us more deeply than others whilst remaining optimistic and sharing her knowledge of how to plant a Pecan from seed. Vicky shares Lessons from Nature, the deep involvement and persistence needed to save a species of tree and exactly why love of nature takes its honoured place in her wedding celebrations. Long may your American Chestnut thrive!
Anybody Seen My Focus shows us beautiful images of snow in the field. Oxygen Grows on Trees invites us to monitor the progress of the 11 year old Forest that he planted back in 1999. Robert Barnes shows us his contribution to the National Register of Big Trees. Notes from Sun Rising share experiences of Tree Planting in the Snow and reminds us of the wildlife that lives around trees in Trees and Tracks. Valerianna enchants us with the magical tracks she encounters on a Winter Walk, and Stories in the Snow.
A DC Birding Blog considers the debate of a real Christmas tree and the benefits to the environment. Jules shares pictures of her favourite trees.
Trees, textiles and art feature strongly in my New Years Resolutions. I draw so much inspiration from Mother Nature and the mediums she offers. In 2011 I intend plant and tend trees, explore natural dyes from bark, bloom, fruit, leaf, root and twig of tree. I would like to spend more time Wild Food Foraging. Making, jams, chutney's, wine s and cordials from the fruits and berries of trees. In doing so I wish to observe, to learn from the hedgerows and wildlife across the seasons learning how best to honour the birds, trees and natural wonders that I see. I would like to teach my little girl the names of as many trees and techniques of natural crafts as she has the patience for. I endeavour to know the magnificent trees of my new home, partake in the Ancient Tree Hunt, learn the identifying hallmarks of ancient trees and register as many trees for protection as possible.
With this in mind you can see how enthralled I have been with the inspiring posts presented in this edition of the Festival of The Trees. We are blessed with more offerings of beautiful textile collages from La Dolce Vita, perfection from Kayla Koo, Knowledge from Growing Colour Tyfu Lliw, we learn the art of patience from Wrapt Trees, Dorie says Thanks to her Whispering Willow and we are offered a delightful Peace Angel Cloth by Art4Moi.
Below you can see a yurt felted over a frame of willow shoots. during the Salixslinger festival. There was a wood fire stove inside, you can see the chimney sticking through the roof. The yurt holds enough room to sit about 20 people. Ludy Feyen, Petra v/d Bergi and friends made the yurt during a three day show which was performed during the midsummer solstice.

On the top of the Crumpetty Tree
The Quangle Wangle sat,
But his face you could not see,
On account of his Beaver Hat.
For his hat was a hundred and two feet wide,
With ribbons and bibbons on every side
And bells, and buttons, and loops, and lace,
So that nobody ever could see the face
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.
The Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree,--
'Jam; and jelly; and bread;
'Are the best food for me!
'But the longer I live on this Crumpetty Tree
'The plainer that ever it seems to me
'That very few people come this way
'And that life on the whole is far from gay!'
Said the Quangle Wangle Quee.
But there came to the Crumpetty Tree,
Mr. and Mrs. Canary;
And they said, -- 'Did you ever see
'Any spot so charmingly airy?
'May we build a nest on your lovely Hat?
Mr. Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
'O please let us come and build a nest
'Of whatever material suits you best,
'Mr. Quangle Wangle Quee!'
And besides, to the Crumetty Tree
Came the Stork, the Duck, and the Owl;
The Snail, and the Bumble-Bee,
The Frog, and theFimble Fowl;
(The Fimble Fowl, with a Corkscrew leg;)
And all of them said, -- We humblyy beg,
'We may build our homes on your lovely Hat,--
'Mr. Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
'Mr. Quangle Wangle Quee!'
And the Golden Grouse came there,
And the Pobble who has no toes,--
And the small Olympian bear,--
And the Dong with a luminous nose.
And the Blue Babboon, who played the flute,--
And the Orient Calf from the Land of Tute,--
And the Attery Squash, and the Bisky Bat,--
All came and built on the lovely Hat
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.
And the Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree,--
'When all these creatures move
'What a wonderful noise there'll be!'
And at night by the light of the Mulberry moon
They danced to the flute of the Blue Babboon,
On the broad green leaves of the Crumpetty Tree,
And all were as happy as happy could be,
With the Quangle Wangle Quee.
Some gorgeous works here, visual and verbal. I am honored to be in such good company. Thank you so much for the link!
I think a festival of the trees is a wonderful thing indeed!
fabulous post love the photos and tree spirt is wonderful! xo
What a great post.... I was really groovin' on it and then discovered that I was included in the links... thanks! I look forward to finding my way through the mossy pathways to see all the great offerings you've passed on here. And I'm glad to know that there is a movement to save the old forests in the UK. Seems insane that we still have to CONVINCE people of how necessary the old forests are to our survival. But, then again, I'm baffled by much. Happy winter and thanks again for all the great forest places to wander.
Wonderful edition and plenty of food for thought. Thank you!
Irish Gumbo - There are some wonderful entries aren't there! Thanks again for sharing your poetry here. Happy New Year!
Cat - Sara Lechners work is inspiring isn't it. Thank you so much for sharing your post. I am going to try a few textile collages this year. I think I have my mojo back after reading all of these posts. Happy New year x
Valerianna - You had to be in here. I love your tales of Ravenwood. It is a crazy world. Not sure what can be done to stop the sale of our forests, but getting the word out there is a good place to start. Happy New Year x
Thank you JSK, and for your contribution too :)
Beautiful and intelligent post Jasmine! You've done a brilliant job hosting and I know how much work goes into gathering photos, facts and links. THANKYOU!
Is this a monthly thing or a one off? I love your aspirations for the year ahead, please share your dye making tips with this novice!! I will by trying it with paper at some point this year.
Blessings to you!
Lisa :)
What a wonderful and informative post...International Year of the Tree...I like that!
A festival of the trees it shall be for 2011.
I am going to make some tree flags for the festival a la Lynne Hoppe's blog.
Jacky xox
I am thinking, this is a beautiful festival. Trees have so much history. They hold so many secrets and are very good at keeping such. Your photos show their beauty and I too wish everyone saw such. I will try put a link on my blog through to here, but forgive me if it does not work; I am not good with modern tech.
Thank you so much for the link, Jasmine. And you are doing a wonderful job here. You have no idea how many trees have been cut down in my city over the past year. Seems to me that nowadays, the word 'concrete' is equivalent to progress which is both pathetic and darkly portentous.
Keep up the good work.
Beautiful Festival! Love the artwork photos.
It's so good of you to share this info about the festival of trees.
Oh, but Jasmine, I'm shocked that your government is plannen to sell the forest. I cannont understand, what their reason. I love the English countryside and its woodlands so much! you know. I feel really sad and hope that this sale will be prevent somehow.
oh, my something went wrong while writing, I found out it was my keyboard. sorry, hope you'll understand the text in my former comment.
Happy New Year Jasmine (& happy new-look-blog!) Once again a great festival you have put together, i'm going to enjoy perusing the links... i'm only sorry i didn't get to post some bits for you to include... no doubt they'll get written before too long!!
I didn't know about the forest sell-off, thanks for bringing that up... great work!
Enjoying this festival very much. I hope everyone signs the petition and that politicians take note. As we all know, trees do so much.
I shared your link on my FB profile!
Hi Jasmine- I will add a link to the petition in my post today.
What a beautiful and most important post! Thank you for sharing the Festival of Trees (am not sure if I can sign the petition seeing as though I live in the US) but I hope all your voices are heard! Theresa
So many wonderful links here jasmine. What a fantastic post about trees and forest. The festival of the trees yesssssssss.
Fabulous post Jasmine. I tried to sign the petition but it kept telling me that my zip code was invalid - can't we sign it in the US? Maybe I'll try again later...
thank you for your love and work for the trees and forests everywhere!! xoxox happy new year ❤
glorious images. thank you for curating them! my fave my be the tree spirit.
happy new year!
Beautiful post, Jasmine, there is so much inspiration and love here.
I am appalled at this threat to our forests and will be doing what I can in multiple ways.
Thank you so much for the link. I am proud to be included here.
Great post, visuals and great blog!
I will keep visiting!
I tweeted about the petition today.
Such a lovely celebration of trees, Jasmine. Thank you so much for including our Giraffe tree adventures! I am really honoured, and hope that they help to play a part in stirring love of trees on planet Earth, and urging folk to do all they can to proect their irreplaceable Forests.
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