Like Fall, like deciduous doubloons, I watched scarf, blouse, skirt slip quietly from shoulder and limb. Not like rain, not all at once like lightning, but like autumn, like those weeks on stage, the preening of leaf, proud in the blush of sugary death. And I knew, in that moment, I was dead to all I had known before, her breath fluttering the pages of my knowledge to the wind of her southern educated lips.
Written by Tree George at Decadent Tranquility.
Hello everybody. I have been frozen out of my own google accounts for a week now and am so glad I can now get back in and start visiting you all again. I've missed being able to post comments and your posts and add to my own blog.
Again, honored and humbled. Your art, Jasmine, is divine.
Thank you Tree. I love your writings. Especially the 1944 series.
This dancing tree is a wonderful piece of yours. What are the dimensions?
It´s a very pretty piece, so colorful and full of movement. Glad you´re back, i was wondering about you!
wonderful piece of work.
i recognized your "kind of working" on your other blog, before i saw it was your new blog
it is very strong en very yourself:))
the word verification says:
i agree:)))
it is so good to see this image this way in a larger format .
the texture gives a confortable feeling plus the feeling of joy and freedom of the painting !!
I love this. Both the beautiful celebratory artwork and the delicate seductive words... They really come together and compliment each other... Splendid. :)
Oh How I love this one..Trees are my favorite.. This one is a beauty.
what a gorgeous piece, she is so alive with the breeze through her leaves...
Susan - Its 12" x 14". I'm glad you like it. It is my first attempt at needle felt painting.
Aleph - Thank you for noticing I was gone. Its silly but I was so upset that I couldn't sign into blogger and leave comments for people. Its become part of my recreation time that I look forward to :)
Assayya - You are very kind. Did you buy a spinning wheel yet? I'm dying to now what that is like. I think I'd enjoy it but don't knit so don't know what I would do with my spinning... A loom would be nice :))
Caio - You are sweet :) I'm still unable to comment on Mein Welt as I have found that i am unable to leave comments on any blogs that the comments follow directly after the post. I can comments on blogs that have a separate comment page. So frustrating. I will be given a new computer next month so hopefully that will fix my prolems...
Thank you Scrybe - I really liked your piece 'Quarantine' :)
Katelen - Lovely to see you here again. I have been reading your posts but cant leave comments for you either. You have a lovely blog.
Thank you Crafty :) I've been loving your pictures of Dumfries.
Manya, Velvet Woods & Sarah A - I hope you see this. I have been visiting you all but cant leave comments until I figure out how to fix my computer problems.
VW - I love the piece you sent to Art For Trees - mesmorising :)
Sarah A - Your poem 'A silence full of sound' is beautiful and well, don't we all wish that we could say 'I do not lie' in such an absolute way as you did. It made me smile.
Manya - The natural dyes and silk are beautiful!
This piece is magnificent - I really like it alot.
how beautiful.
This is a beautiful piece, just gorgeous - and the poem is a great match for it.
Is there embroidery there too, or just painting?
I love the "blush of sugary death"
Oh and heres another poem this makes me think of, by Mervyn Peake
I saw a winter tree in song
Its leaves were birds, one thousand strong
When all at once it ceased to sing
for every leaf had taken wing.
have a great weekend
Wow this is wonderful stuff Jasmine. Your felt is really developing into something else... I love it..
I enlarged this piece... what beautiful detail. I love the texture of felt. -J
Hello Jasmine,
Happy to see you back. Your work is incredilby beautiful as is your words. Hugs Judy
It's gorgeous Jasmine !
I love the feeling of freedom and wildness of this piece.It's such a joy to feel wild and free.
I'm happy to have finally found a large version of this Icon I've seen in so many places on the internet. This is Spectacular, you make the Greatest trees. Thank You..
Wow I love your work. It's loose and full of emotion. Your marks are very expressive and full of passion. Very intriguing and beautiful work.
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