Continuing with the Theme of United Nations International Year of the Forests and feeling very inspired by the posts contributed to the January edition of Festival of the Trees, I have decided to wrap some of the trees in my back garden and let nature and time work their magic. This type of eco art is a game of patience. I have been very inspired by Martine's collaborative project and just had to give it a try.
Above, you can see a Sycamore wrapped in an old cotton sheet. I mordanted the sheet and wrapped the tree in it while it was still wet.
This Sycamore seemed a natural choice of tree to wrap. When I met this tree was tightly bound with ivy. I cut the ivy down, revealing deep grooves and notches where the ivy had constricted around the trunk. This species grows so quickly you can see the mischief that a simple washing line had caused this tree. I have hopes of interesting patterns and eco prints emerging from this wrap. Under some of the layers I placed leaves from what I think may be a Rhododendron at the bottom of the garden.
Above, you can see a Sycamore wrapped in an old cotton sheet. I mordanted the sheet and wrapped the tree in it while it was still wet.
This Sycamore seemed a natural choice of tree to wrap. When I met this tree was tightly bound with ivy. I cut the ivy down, revealing deep grooves and notches where the ivy had constricted around the trunk. This species grows so quickly you can see the mischief that a simple washing line had caused this tree. I have hopes of interesting patterns and eco prints emerging from this wrap. Under some of the layers I placed leaves from what I think may be a Rhododendron at the bottom of the garden.
I also wrapped two Holly trees that are growing out of the dry stone wall at the edge of my veg patch. When I first moved here we also removed ivy that had wound like rope as thick as your arm all the way up the tree and the crown was being suffocated. Despite our efforts there is evidence that the ivy is taking a hold once more. I have wrapped some of the Holly and the Ivy between the layers of the cotton on these trees. Holly is very sappy and I expect that the wrappers will be explored by many insects. Who knows what patterns or colouration will be born from these trees.
Lastly, I wrapped an Elder covered in moss and Lichens.
awesome project !! loves it and cannot wait for the reveal...
awesome project !! loves it and cannot wait for the reveal...
What an interesting idea Jasmine I have not heard of wrapping trees before, I am sure eventually you will get some amazing colours and patterns from this. How long do you leave the wraps on for?
I put the watercolour of Glenveagh on my blog for you to see, the photo is not brilliant but you get the idea lol.
Thank you Cat :)
Jackie I will be over to look at your painting very soon. I think you leave the cotton wrappers on for as long as your patience and circumstances will allow or at least until the weathered fabrics look interesting. They could be on for several months.
this will be interesting to see. you will update us, won't you?
I love your posts! Another wonderful read and the pictures are wonderful too! I love this idea!
so much fun Jasmine...I love the mystery held in patiently waiting for nature to take her course!
This seems like a great project.
It is like putting a small jacket on them and watch them out grow it.
Can not wait to see.
This is a fabulous project! I am eager to see the process.
Hi I have just signed the petition and posted a request to my facebook I do hope you get enough signatures.
I was looking at this idea of yours wrapping trees. Can you not use this symbolically in the campaign to get the publicity.
Do what Christo did He wrapped large things like Islands etc... It could really work to get peoples attention. Wrap up a forest who knows symbolically it only needs to happen for a very short time just to take some photos. Better still if Christo is still around ask him to come over here to do it for us as he is the expert. You could pass this on to the organisers of the campaign to see if they think it would work. Now I must go and take a look at what you produce from your wrappings. Happy New Year Tricia :) :)xx
Hello Shadow - Thank you, yes I will update every few months and then eventually turn the cotton into something.
Thank you Janine. I've just been looking at your poem cloth. So pretty. I love the process.
Laura, I had fun flower pounding and bundling last year so am very excited to see what a wrap will bring.
Hello Poetic Artist - Yes, thats a lovely imagery. It will be fun to see :)
Thank you Kris. You can see some wrapped trees a few months down the line by visiting the Wrapt Trees link. They have been playing with some wonderful dye giving trees.
Hi Tricks - Thats a great idea. I will pass your idea on to The Woodland Trust. I have not heard of Christo's project. I am intrigued. :)
interesting project, but I wonder if this is really a good thing for the trees and the creatures that live on them?
Fair point. The trees are wrapped in natural fibres such as cotton or silk and are closely monitored over the months. I don't think they will in anyway harm the tree or the species that live on them. Afterall if you see permaculture and paper card and old carpets that are used, all sorts of bugs and wildlife thrive underneath them.
Lovely! I have never thought of wrapping trees and think it is a very interesting idea. I think I might go and wrap an old apple tree.
Yes, I almost wrapped my old apple tree but when i looked at it closely i noticed a brown rust all over the bark. The tree was badly storm damaged before we moved here and i think it is dyeing. i will have to think about it. i do have a solar dyed silk that did not go to plan. I may wrap it in that as it breathes more and would be kinder to the tree.
How fascinating! I can't wait to see the progression! Theresa
WONDERFUL! I am looking forward to seeing the resuts of this. I was just thinking of you yesterday while on India Flint's blog and seeing her method of wrapping and boiling leaves...inspiring indeed!
I have never seen anyone do this. It will be interesting to see your results. I am guessing critters will move in under the cloth, a perfect snuggley home! I look forward to seeing what your results are and then what you do with them.
I wonder too Jasmine. I love your love for trees.
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