Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Hey there blog friends.  I've had real problems getting access to my blog for the past couple of months.  I was frozen out of it but today I thought I'd try again. 

Now that blogger has accepted my mobile number I'm hoping I will be able to give little picture updates from time to time. 

I've missed you and visiting your blogs.  Hope you are all doing well xxxJ


Caio Fern said...

good to have you back ;)

Fiona said...

We're still here!

Ruthie Redden said...

Yay, lovely to see you back on blogger! pesky computers lol x x

BluMoon said...

Hi Jasmine, nice to see you back online hope things are going well with you now. Blogger does seem to have a few glitches!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

I've missed you, too! Looking forward to reading your posts again!

Tammie Lee said...

how interesting that you could not blog. yes, share with us, I missed you. sending a warm smile ~ and a warm hug.

Unknown said...

Welcome back Jasmine,
I'm also having problems commenting so not sure this will get to you anyway lol

cheers karen xo

xxx said...

look forward to your future posts... good luck with blogger.

Sandra said...

Glad you're back, I hope you're alright.

Aleks said...

Happy New year Jas!! Much love and light!